Sunday, September 28, 2003


I was just wondering -
You know, how much longer must this last
It's getting boring, dragging on endlessly
Listless, without direction
Void of all. Love none
I feel naught
I feel much
On and off
In and out
Where art thou now?, boundless, miserable writer

Now, slowly, brighter things appear
There must be some reprieve after all.
I wonder if 'tis true this time
Is the strength real?
Shall it be that I fall again?
Who knows
Only time can tell
Time, my eternal companion
We must walk endlessly
Through it all, yet,
    Part of naught
Won't you teach me the ways of yours
So that I may learn my own inner being
I will follow you, I will
There won't be any more of this

Alone always, like you
Need no memories, keep all, I

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