Tuesday, October 14, 2003


Rehearsals are the features of the great anti climax
Spontaneity reeks genius
Follow the heart
I am told
By who
The Great God
Does play games
Strange ones
Of defiance and challenges
Of greatness and denials
Wonder what He wants
Does He know what I do?
The Prophet who won't preach
Prophecies of wonder untold rot in the world's recesses
Seen a vision
Seen the Truth
Ambiguous nature
Speech fails
Lots to say
Don't know how
Can God help?
Or is He too afraid?

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Ode to Joy

This is an ode to joy.
This is the glory of me
This, my friends, is the way it should be

Small wonder, the Moon is risen.
Washed with the soft waters of the fountain
Bubbling ever endlessly, there, upon the white monstrous mountain

Endless chatter, it seems
Strong words of philosophy
Meaningless, it all to me

But hey, can't you all see?
The little step over and the skips in twos
The big fat grin make my eyes so thin
Hey baby! I just kicked the blues!

Where the sleep now?
I await the dreams.
But this strange excitement
So pleasing
'Tis not me that does write
'Tis my soul in flight
Snap, snap, the shackles all snap
All restrain will soon snap
To purity, I do ted
Then misunderstood I shall be not
All the words, all the thoughts
Everything, that I ever sought
Would be known
Would be mine

Man. I just don't know what to say.
I'm feeling damn good, that's all!