Sunday, September 28, 2003


I was just wondering -
You know, how much longer must this last
It's getting boring, dragging on endlessly
Listless, without direction
Void of all. Love none
I feel naught
I feel much
On and off
In and out
Where art thou now?, boundless, miserable writer

Now, slowly, brighter things appear
There must be some reprieve after all.
I wonder if 'tis true this time
Is the strength real?
Shall it be that I fall again?
Who knows
Only time can tell
Time, my eternal companion
We must walk endlessly
Through it all, yet,
    Part of naught
Won't you teach me the ways of yours
So that I may learn my own inner being
I will follow you, I will
There won't be any more of this

Alone always, like you
Need no memories, keep all, I

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Introduction of the Butterfly - Celebrations

A lone butterfly whistles through to the Heavens
Speeding ever, lest it miss the rare opening
Relief, I recieve, when it does leave behind its colours in the sky
Letting me know
So rich, so bright, dimming ever still,
Never seen before such, I

I retreat smiling
Happy and Content
Successful flight of my brave friend
I forget soon though
Absorbed and Occupied with the happenings that were
Selfishly returning to false comforts
I pain with guilt later

With the Moon so far, I puzzle at the brightness
Looking around, across the Night Sky
Everything so clear, the Heavens retreated into the distance
But I could see the celebrations
Guiding my path in the darkness, the joys of the butterfly
Driving away the pain, so awesome your joy
I promise never to forget
Let me celebrate too

I take your hand, and lay you down gently
Rest upon the soft, moist grass
And shut not your eyes
Love the Moon as she turns her attention towards us
Fluorescing the green we lay upon
So bright, we seem to rise, as we lay surrounded by a world so dark.

Moments pass many
The loving Moon slowly passes on, allowing us to be enshrouded by the miserable prison we just passed
Frightened, I hold you tight
Tearing your soul, I rush within
Escaping into the depths of you,
    I seek your protection

There in your inner self, I cry, crouched, eyes shut, shivering scared
I hear soft whispers
Calling out, soothing my disturbed mind
Slowly, I raise my head and look around at the wondrous haven of you
I rise, my legs finding renewed energy in the warmth you give
Spellbound, I follow the soft voices leading me to explore
Showing me all the Heavens of my Dreams and Life
Shamelessly, I draw all my strength from within you
Attempting to drain your endless reserves

Foolishly, I assume the return of my self
Unable to see that 'tis you that is me.

I march on till your soft voice brings me to the painful opening I did make in my weakness
Fearlessly, I enter the darkness as you give birth to me.
The hole in your soul leaving you defenseless against the Darkness
I must protect you

I carry you away, away from the Darkness, onwards towards the brighter lights, into one of my havens, safe.
I heal your wounds with the energy that you gave me
Whispering soft words to blow away the pain, into your moist ears, moistened by tender kisses and caresses of love, mine.

In this moment of one
Turned my bright false haven into a Heaven true

And as the openings around us slowly did close
Detracting away from the world and darkness
Our Celebrations began
And so bright and splendid were they, continuing forever
Remained in the skies, seen to all, till eternity

Thus, showed me the Butterfly, the way to Celebrate.