Wednesday, May 3, 2000

The Sky

Look at the sky,
  but don’t ask him why
            he is so blue
He has no friends, no one to come and say to him
                                                                        - Hi!
The sun comes up everyday
            happy and bright
He was out drinking last night, with Pluto
The sky feels sadder
            when he sees the sun
            and hears the birds chirp.
His heart melts, he feels lonely.
He begins to cry and rain falls down from the sky.
There is life and happiness everywhere,
            but the sky is sad!

Monday, April 10, 2000

Lonely Man

The lone, dark man
            walking on the street!
He ain’t got no boots on his feet!
When he sleeps, to cover him there is no sheet!
Nothing to protect him from the sleet!
I, with him, did once meet!
He offered me a seat!
I said no, and gave him some money to buy some meat!
I felt happy then, and in my head a happy bird sang –
            tweet tweet!

Thursday, March 16, 2000


Life is but a dream
            Dream on!
A dream is a thought,
 that to me has brought –
            A SMILE!
A smile that is so sweet
 that it spreads from my face,
            to my feet!
A smile shows my dream
A dreamy smile loves life,
And this dream falls all over me,
And it helps me see,
A future that is bright and warm,
 like the rays of the sun
 through the blue sky!